Pyramid Equestrian was born from the "Pyramid of Training". View the Pyramid on the USDF website. Like an ancient pyramid, it is important to build a solid foundation before it is possible to reach the top. This thought is the foundation of all horsemanship, in all disciplines, but is most often seen in the Dressage world. We pride ourselves on building a solid foundation for both horse and rider so that the upper level movements can be done with ease. Although our training and lesson programs are based on Dressage principles and theories, the proper position and foundation can be used to improve upon and enjoy any discipline, including jumping, trail riding, cross-country riding, western pleasure, reining, you name it!
Allison Cino
Allison grew up with a love of horses that didn't stop when it came time to go to college. She attended Lake Erie College in Painesville, OH and received a Bachelor's of Science degree in Equestrian Teacher/Trainer, graduating in 2001. Since then, Allison has been training horses and students of all levels in Dressage. Her early major Dressage instructional influences have been the late Deitrich Von Hoffgarten, Patricia Kabasa, Jeremy Steinberg, and Steve Kanikkeberg. She has also attended clinics with Conrad Schumacher, Henrik Johansen, George Williams, Jan Ebeling, Mike Osinski, and Arthur Kottas, among others. Since moving to North Carolina, she has been actively seeking as much continuing education as possible with the focus on classical Dressage. Allison attends the USDF FEI Trainer’s Symposium annually.
In 2004 Allison received her Large Animal Massage Practitioner license, which helped her become aware of biomechanics, muscle restrictions, and methods to relieve soreness. This has been especially beneficial in "problem" horses or those who have had poor training.
"My focus has moved from not only training horses to reach their greatest potential, but also to teaching riders how to do this with their own mounts. I take great pride in seeing a student have a 'light bulb' moment with their horse, and then seeing everything start to look easy and harmonious." -Allison
"A solid, balanced position and correct basics can create quite a happy picture. This horse pictured above is soft through his back with a relaxed expression, swinging tail, and is a joy to ride!" - Allison
Allison earned her USEF “r”Dressage Judge License in 2025, after gaining valuable judging experience as a USDF L Graduate “with distinction.” Located in North Carolina, Allison can be seen judging at venues such as the Carolina Horse Park, Pinehurst Harness Track, Stable View Farm in Aiken, and Portofino Equestrian Centers among many others.
Although Allison is no longer actively competing in the jumper or eventing worlds, she still has a lot to teach those interested in jumping or improving their eventing scores. She has competed to the 3'9" height in jumpers, completed (and won) a full Long Format Training level 3-Day Event, competed in IHSA hunt seat flat and fences in college, and has trained young horses over fences. Allison completed her Pony Club C-3 rating before going to college, and attends the annual USPC Ratings and Standards clinics to keep up with the current changes to the USPC. Her Pony Club students have competed successfully to the National Championship level.
USEF “r” Dressage Judge
USDF Silver Medalist on self trained horses
Experience Riding and Training FEI Dressage Horses
Students riding competitively at USDF, USEA, and Pony Club events at various levels
Champion at the CBLM Championship at 4th Level in 2022
Competed the same Appaloosa at Fourth Level Dressage, Training Level Eventing, and 3'6" jumpers
USDF All-Breeds Awards
USDF Rider Achievement Awards
USDF Horse Achievement Awards
Championship Awards with Hungarian Horse Association, Central Washington Dressage Association, and Oregon Dressage Society, and NCDCTA, NWSHBA, and USEA.
NW Horse Expo Demo Rider with George Williams
2001- Bachelor of Science Degree from Lake Erie College- Equine Teacher/Trainer
Member of Intercollegiate Eventing Association Championship Team, Intercollegiate Dressage Association Championship Team, and IHSA Hunter/Jumper Team
USPC C-3 rating (Traditional, 1996)